CHINADA Launches Online Training for Doping Control Officers during the Pandemic Containment Period


In order to conduct anti-doping work properly in the period of normalized pandemic containment and fully resume the domestic testing work, Steering Committee for Pandemic Prevention in Doping Control, China Anti-Doping Agency (CHINADA) launched a special training on how to conduct a doping test during the pandemic for 114 doping control officers (DCOs) in Beijing and other 7 provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities through online video conferencing on the afternoon of May 9. To date, a total of 204 DCOs in 18 provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities have received the training on doping control during the pandemic.

This training began with the speech from Wang Xinzhai, Deputy Director General of CHINADA. He presented the background of the doping control work during this pandemic, highlighting the great significance of fully resuming the doping control work for two Olympic Games, and requiring overall consideration of the anti-doping work during Games of the Tokyo Olympic, 14th National Games (2021), and Beijing 2022 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games. CHINADA would conduct the doping test together with the provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities, each performing its own functions, further regulating the paid test and adjusting the testing plans to ensure no blind area of the doping test. During the period of normalized pandemic containment, CHINADA would continue to give top priority to safety, never give rise to a spread of the pandemic due to the doping test, and ensure “zero infection and zero transmission”. Testing should strictly follow relevant international standards, and ensure the test quality not to be affected. Then, the staff of the Testing Department provided training on the work instruction during the pandemic, latest work requirements, and key points in the use of the ADAMS system. At last, Wen Hongtao, Deputy Director of Testing Department, shared ideas in detail with the heads of anti-doping departments in the provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities, provided solutions and gave answers to each of the difficulties and questions arising from the testing work currently conducted in each region.

Since the outbreak of the pandemic, CHINADA has been paying high attention to the pandemic containment. The doping test has become the most important part in the pandemic containment due to its particular nature of direct contact with athletes. CHINADA Steering Committee for Pandemic Prevention in Doping Control continuously gave advice and guidance on the testing work, and strictly examined the medical screening results, thereby achieving “zero infection and zero transmission” of COVID-19 since the domestic testing work resumed in February.

(DCOs in Liaoning Province Attend the Online Training)

(DCOs in Sichuan Province Attend the Online Training)