China Anti-Doping Agency and South Asia RADO Sign a Memorandum of Understanding Concerning Co-operation in the Field of Anti-Doping Education and Prev
China Anti-Doping Agency (CHINADA) and South Asia RADO (SARADO) signed a Memorandum of Understanding concerning Co-operation in the field of anti-doping education and prevention on 24th October, 2018 during the Second WADA Global Anti-Doping Education Conference.
Witnessed by Sir Craig Reedie, WADA President and Mr. Li Yingchuan, Vice Sport Minister of China, this agreement was jointly signed by Executive Director General of CHINADA, Mr. Chen Zhiyu and Director General of SARADO Mr. Mohamed Mahid Shareef.
The objective of this MOU shall be to encourage and develop technical cooperation in the field of Anti-Doping Education and Prevention by stimulating and promoting exchange programs, skills, techniques, information, documentation and knowledge exchange.
The Areas of co-operation shall include:
1. Development of Anti-Doping Education and Prevention Program in South Asia;
2. Training and upgrading of Anti-doping education officers and educators.
3. Organizing courses, seminars, workshops, research and exchange tours on Anti-Doping Education and Prevention.
4. Exchange of education officers, program managers, trainers, teachers and specialists on Anti-Doping Education and Prevention.
5. Development of new outreach programs on anti-doping
6. Reciprocal support and in accordance with national laws, support to anti-doping activities carried out in its territory by anti-doping experts of the other Party.
7. Production of Anti-Doping education literature.