

7月9日,世界反兴奋剂机构(WADA)向全球公布了瑞士独立检察官针对23名中国游泳运动员无过错曲美他嗪案件的评审中期报告。该报告称,没有任何证据表明WADA在审查中国反兴奋剂中心(CHINADA)对这23名运动员结案并不再采取进一步行动的决定时,有任何偏袒或照顾;没有任何证据表明,WADA内部或外部的任何实体或机构,包括CHINADA,对上述审查工作进行了干预或干涉;调查没有发现WADA在审查CHINADA的决定时有任何违规行为;所有内外部因素都表明,WADA从事实和适用规则的角度作出的不挑战CHINADA 作出的污染情况的决定都是合理的。这不仅证明CHINADA对该案件事实的调查和处理决定是合理的,并不存在美国反兴奋剂中心(USADA)和《纽约时报》、德国电视一台(ARD)等个别媒体无端指控、刻意编造的“掩盖”问题;同时,证明现有的全球反兴奋剂体系是公开、透明和值得全球运动员信赖的。



CHINADA Statement Regarding the Results of Review Delivered by the Independent Prosecutor

On 9th July, the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) released to the world the interim report delivered by the Independent Prosecutor regarding the no-fault contamination case involving 23 Chinese swimmers. 

According to the report, “there is nothing to suggest that WADA showed favouritism or deference, or in any way favoured the 23 swimmers who tested positive for trimetazidine (TMZ) between 1 and 3 January 2021, when it proceeded to review CHINADA's decision to close the proceedings against them without further action”; “the Investigator did not find any evidence to suggest any interference or meddling in WADA's review, either within the Agency or externally, from any entity or institution, including CHINADA or the Chinese authorities”; “the investigation did not reveal any irregularities on the part of WADA in the review of CHINADA’ s decision”; and “all the elements taken into consideration by WADA show the decision not to appeal to be reasonable, both from the point of view of the facts and the applicable rules”. 

This demonstrates that CHINADA’ s investigation findings and decisions on this case are reasonable, and there is no so-called “cover up” story as unfoundedly alleged and deliberately created by the United States Anti-Doping Agency (USADA) and certain media outlets including the New York Times and the German broadcaster ARD. The Independent Prosecutor report also proves that the existing global anti-doping system is open, transparent and trustworthy to athletes around the globe.

Given that the standard, objectivity and fairness that the investigation and decisions of this case were adhered to are proven to be an irrefutable and unquestionable fact, CHINADA strictly demands that USADA and certain media led by the New York Times and ARD respect the facts, face the truth, stop creating stories out of the air to confuse right and wrong and incite the public, in an attempt to implant misconception into the global community and the general public about the no-fault contamination case involving 23 Chinese swimmers, and stop politicizing anti doping and undermining athletes’ confidence and trust in the global anti-doping governance system. 

We hereby reiterate that CHINADA, as always, will work for the rights and interests of athletes and the integrity in sport with independence, impartiality, professionalism and openness. CHINADA also sincerely thanks its international anti-doping peers who have upheld the spirit of science and objectivity and maintained their trust in and support on the current anti-doping system. We hope to work together with all stakeholders for the stability, unity and improvement of the global anti-doping system.
